The Path to Pleasure, Summer Solstice Celebration 

Held over the Full Moon and High Sun, 20 - 23 June 2024, Cornwall, UK

We invite you to experience an outstanding, once in a lifetime, never to be held again Celebration. What started as a retreat has grown into a celebration of the Full Moon on the Summer Solstice - Fire meets Water - Divine Masculine meets Divine Feminine as a frequency of creation. 

Imagine, there are moments in life where you instinctively know, that something magical is afoot and the alignment for our Path To Pleasure is just that. Remarkable synchronicity is at play. It’s rare to experience a Full Moon at the Summer Solstice. You'll be staying in Boho Chic, Nature based Luxury to take you into deep connection with the Earth. The retreat is a DIGITAL DETOX where it's just you resting in nature.

You will enjoy four facilitators offering workshops, healing modalities, experiences and ceremonies. An opening fire ceremony celebrating the Divine Masculine Energy, followed by a Full Moon Divine Feminine ceremony on Day 2 and finally we bring in Union with the 3rd day of the Alchemical Marriage.  We are tapping into mystic waters.


Pleasure is the ultimate feeling of wellbeing. It has qualities of intensity, desire, instinct, sensuality, surrender, raison d’etre /a reason to be, value, quality, expression and experience. It can be found in nature and it can be created. It is instantaneous and it is enduring.

Our retreat guarantees you will experience pleasure and take it into your life and business.

We have curated a 4 day, 3 night experience choosing a retreat location that is immersed in nature. Our venue, Cabilla, is situated on Bodmin Moor, an area of outstanding natural beauty in England. The night skies are some of the darkest in the UK so that we can star gaze and Moon gaze. The river running through is so clean that you can drink it whilst swimming in it. The ancient oak forest is one of the oldest in Britain and the moor is known for its ancient sacred sites, such as Hurlers Stone Circles, and the abundance of standing stones and holy wells. Immersion in nature is what Cabilla is all about. Healing your Soul from the inside out with spaciousness in exquisite peaceful landscapes.

Our team of experts coming from Sweden, Australia and the UK, are gathering to curate a delightful pleasure experience. You get to breathe and relax. They'll be offering a secret mixture of ingredients to ignite your life and business: conversations on pleasure, satisfaction, life, love, health, sensuality and wellbeing.

There will be a Full Moon ceremony where we sip artisan Cacao and then embody pleasure with ecstatic dance.

It's a choice for you to go to any of the workshops or to spend time wandering in the most beautiful nature, reading, hanging out or walking. Nothing is required of you. You are here to relax and nourish your soul.
Manifesting pleasure in our lives means we choose pleasure.

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Path to Pleasure Summer Solstice Day Ticket - Friday 21 June

Includes: wild swimming, sauna by the river, a nature walk, talks on Pleasure As Medicine & Becoming Wildly Wise, an evening Full Moon Cacao Ceremony and ecstatic dance, dinner of soup, salad and artisan bread. Bring your own picnic for lunch.

111.00 GBP

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We'll be in touch with further details very soon!


DAY 1: Thursday June 20

  • Arrive at Cabilla centre in Bodmin Moor and check in to your cabin
  • Enjoy a yoga session to relax and rejuvenate
  • Sauna beside the river or swim in the river that is so clean you can drink it
  • Participate in a circle activation/meditation to singing chalice to connect with your inner pleasure
  • Have dinner together and get to know your fellow participants
  • A welcome circle and intro to all the facilitators
  • A Summer Solstice Fire Ceremony Honouring Divine Masculine

DAY 2: Friday June 21 - The Summer Solstice

  • Workshop on Pleasure As Medicine with Nina Yderberg
  • Workshop on Human Design & Balancing Masculine & Feminine with Johanneke Kodde
  • Options for guided walks in nature, swimming in the river, sauna and time to self
  • Embodiment movement session with Sam Briatico
  • Evening Full Moon Cacao Ceremony with Inarra & Adea
  • Ecstatic dance going into the shortest night celebrating Divine Feminine energy

DAY 3: Saturday June 22 - Full Moon Day

  • Enjoy a morning of yoga and meditation
  • Participate in a circle to share your experiences and insights
  • Venus chart readings with Georgia Takacs
  • Aphrodisiacs and their benefits workshop with Inarra Griffyn
  • Workshop on Balancing the Elements with Georgia
  • Visit The Hurler's Stone Circle and beautiful Cornwall beach
  • Alchemical Marriage ceremony with Inarra, weaving the Divine Masculine with Divine Feminine to create your King & Queen activation

DAY 4: Sunday June 23

  • Morning yoga and meditation
  • All facilitators give their take on pleasure and leadership
  • Breakfast together
  • Closing circle creating a map of pleasure in all aspects of your life
  • Networking with others - our intention is to connect and share your own projects, dreams and ideas with speakers from Australia, Sweden and the UK
  • Depart Cabilla

Cabilla, Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, UK

Cabilla exists to connect everyone in the world with the restorative power of nature. Cabilla brings together the beauty of rare and ancient nature, with a touch of quiet luxury. You will leave feeling happier than when you arrived, taking with you a renewed sense of clarity, balance and motivation. Each has a wood stove, solar light, no electricity so that you can surrender to nature with a digital detox.

Stay amid the wild beauty of Bodmin Moor in a Koyt cabins. Inspired by Cornish ‘Quoits’ (also called Dolmens or Cromlechs), which were a type of portal or spiritual chamber that date from the Neolithic period. The Koyts will help provide comfort and warmth whilst you connect and restore in the wild magic of Cabilla Cornwall.



Inarra Aryane Griffyn is a Visionary life, love and business guide offering a Spiritual Elixir to creatives and entrepreneurs, to help them gain expression, visibility and opportunity. She helps stimulate and enhance her client’s vision so that they generate, manifest and experience luxury, at their pace, in perfect timing.

To do this, using the ancient cycles of the seasons, Moon and Solar alignments, such as the Spring Equinox or Autumn Equinox, she helps them activate new cycles of transformation. Her clients follow a series of mastery prompts, based on perfect timing to launch their products, programs and projects. Her recipe of mastery skills helps them unfold into their next level of business and life. They experience quantum transformation by following her recipe of “Luxury in harmony with Nature”, and she has guided many high level business owners to reach their dream life.

“Give me one season of your life and I'll navigate you through daring waters to your most powerful vision and a life filled with luxury.”

One foot in spiritual practices and one foot in marketing expansion she is the embodiment of the Aquarian High Priestess. 

Inarra works with clients who are preparing to go big in their world. She teaches The Art of Daring in business and life and will be co-ordinating the three ceremonies at the Summer Solstice Celebration as well as a talk on aphrodisiacs. She has created an arousal oil The Queen’s Pleasure.

Sam Briatico is the founder of Birthing In New Earth.

Birthing in New Earth is a space for us to come together collectively to share and co-create the world we dream of. We believe in the power of the collective and we know that we are powerful beyond measure. When we come together and share in a common vision, there is huge potential for change in our world. We believe that when we create new ways or connect to the ancient ways in the areas of birth, business and spirituality, the world around us can change and be healed. Let us rise together!

Sam will be hosting our Yoga and breathwork, embodiment and movement sessions.

These sessions will allow for women to get in touch with their essence through embodiment. Through connection of breath and movement, we will ground deeper into the body allowing us to open up to more pleasure.

In this safe space, we can release our inhibitions and allow ourselves to feel fully...tapping into deep feminine power and wildness.

Nina Yderberg is a Swedish Physician turned Medicine Mother of the North. 

Mixing her profound skills as a trauma and attachment expert with the future oriented perspective of a coach, the creativity of an art therapist and some magic tricks up her witchy sleeve she can help any woman unlock her path to pleasure.

Nina’s genius is in the work she does at key times of the year. Her alignment with the Wheel of the Year and ancient calendar means that on any festival she can help you to balance the spectrum of feelings that may be at play. Summer Solstice is full power and satisfaction vs feeling disempowered and dissatisfaction. At this potent time of the Solstice Nina will help you find your power in a natural embodied way.

On the Summer Solstice, Nina will be working with new insights that she's passionate about and her workshops at Cabilla will be on Pleasure As Medicine. She will also be a key member of the ceremony team. 

Johanneke Kodde is a GP (Family Doctor) and holistic doctor, who blends conventional medical knowledge with coaching skills, lifestyle medicine, Human Design, Akashic Records and lifetimes of wisdom. She is passionate about supporting women to rise through the challenges that come with having a female body, to understand the symptoms and signs of those bodies as profound messages and to readjust their lives to find passion, joy and pleasure again. Following a deep soul calling, she has mostly stepped out of the traditional system and founded Body Mind Soul Doctor, through which she offers one-to-one consultations, workshops and anything a person or a group may want to explore that increases body-mind-soul awareness and integration.

She feels deeply connected to the land and the water in Cornwall, where she moved in 2010, close to the stunning location of this retreat. Her favourite river starts at Bodmin Moor, flows through the town where she currently lives and reaches the sea nearby. She is often found walking nearby, rowing on or swimming in these waters.

Georgia Takacs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Sacred Activist, and Seeker of the New Story, currently based in Cambridge, United Kingdom. She practices Evolutionary Astrology under Sacred Astrology, and is an advocate for Gift Economics, Deep Adaptation, healing shame, and the importance of indigenous peoples and wisdom in humanity’s way onward.

She offers 1:1 Astrology Consultations and Recorded Readings, utilising the beautiful, ancient healing tool of Astrology to help guide you through this most transformative time on the planet, by connecting you to the deepest evolutionary intentions of your Soul in this lifetime.

She lives and works in the Gift, for which she's a passionate advocate, and believes wholeheartedly that re-threading the sacred into ourselves and society is our way onward.

Shanil Lakhlani is a British Asian photographer based in Cornwall, UK.

With a keen eye for editorial, commercial, and documentary photography, his work delves deeper into the human-nature connection, seeking to redefine our relationship with the natural world.

Guided by the ebb and flow of intuition, his art mirrors the interconnectedness of land, water, and the universal life force.



  • The schedule is subject to change depending on weather and other factors.
  • This retreat is open to men and women of all ages and experience levels.
  • The retreat will be held at a beautiful natural setting with a river running through it.
  • The facilitators will be experienced and knowledgeable in the topic of pleasure.
  • The activities will be designed to help participants connect with their inner pleasure, learn about the art of pleasure, and celebrate the power of pleasure.
  • The retreat will be a safe and supportive space for participants to explore their sensuality.

What is included:

  • 3 meals a day
  • Accommodation in a Koyt with luxury bedding and organic lotions (shared or single occupancy)
  • Ground transport to included excursions

What is not included:

  • Travel to Cornwall, UK
  • Travel insurance


£1300 pp shared twin room or double for couples

£2600 pp double bed option for one person 

To book your place there is a non-refundable deposit of £444

Payment plans are available at £444 deposit followed by:
Shared room:  2 payments of £428
Single occupancy: 2 payments of £1078

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The Path to Pleasure Celebration Deposit

This is the deposit for the Path to Pleasure Celebration and includes a 3.5% Stripe Fee. £444 plus £15.54. This will be part of a payment plan.

459.54 GBP

Thank you for your deposit

We'll be in touch with you soon!

Reviews of The Mysteries of Avalon Retreat, Glastonbury UK, November 2022

Maria Aleandra Rodriguez

Julia Hart
